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Our impact

We remove CO₂ today – and even more tomorrow. And we measure, report and verify our carbon removal thoroughly.

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To achieve net-zero by 2050, it is critical that we reduce as much as we can and then we remove the rest with truly additional, high-quality, and highly permanent carbon removal.

Neustark is the first company to have shown in practice that permanent CO₂ storage via mineralization in demolished concrete is both commercially and ecologically viable.

And the first to deploy its solution at various sites across Europe – already removing CO₂ today, and even more tomorrow.

We are now successfully scaling up our operations – i.e. the number of source and sink sites operated. And, ultimately, and our impact in the number of tons of CO₂ we store.

We’re on our way to removing 1 million tons of CO₂ in 2030, and beyond.

Our impact – today.


tons of CO₂ net removed to date

According to, neustark is the leading CDR (carbon dioxide removal) supplier using mineralization technology. And in the top three of highly permanent CDR suppliers across all technologies. 

With the number of our storage sites increasing at a fast pace, the number of tons we store is also rising exponentially – each day. Stay tuned!

How efficient are our plants?

Dedicated life cycle assessments show that our technology reaches a carbon removal efficiency of 93% over its whole lifespan. This means that a typical neustark plant re-emits around 7% of the carbon dioxide it captures.

Of course, we strictly sell the net carbon removal of our plants, meaning that we compensate for these (very low) grey emissions.

The chart below shows the cumulative emissions of the value chain (in black), including the negative emissions of the mineralization plant (in orange).

Explore our life cycle assessment for a deeper dive
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How do we calculate the number of tons we remove?

Simply put: 

# tons of CO2 net removed = # tons injected – leakage – process emissions 

As an example: 

If we capture 1 ton – so 1000 kilos – of CO₂, liquefy it and transport it using bio-fueled trucks, then inject it into demolished concrete, we will have permanently removed around 930 kg of CO₂.

As the chart above shows:

The most energy-intense phase of the process is the liquefication. Transport and our storage technology also consume energy. And a marginally small percent (<5%) of the CO₂ we capture and store leaks back into the atmosphere.

Our impact – in 2030 and beyond.

Our ambition is to have removed 1 megaton of CO₂ in 2030. And, of course, beyond that: we aim to increase our impact every year, also exploring and deploying new carbon removal methods.

Our target is ambitious, yet realistic. And we’re well on our way. To achieve that goal, exponential growth is needed. We are currently massively scaling-up our operations: the number of source and storage sites in operation as well as our geographical reach.

1 million of tons of CO₂ – is that a lot?

Scientists project that we will have to remove around 10 gigatons – i.e. 10,000,000,000 tons – of CO₂ per year. Neustark removing 1 million tons of CO₂ in 2030 – and even more in the years after – is a significant part of that puzzle.

What’s more, we strive to help develop the CDR market to make trusted and effective carbon removal a given in the next decade. For a bright future of all generations on our planet.

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MRV: verifying our projects and impact

We know that carbon removal is an essential tool for meeting our climate targets. But scale is only part of what’s required to make a lasting impact – we also need trust.

CDR solutions need to be verifiable, which requires the development of standards to quantify their impact. This is what the field of monitoring, reporting, and verification, short MRV, is aiming to do.

Neustark strives for the highest quality of our CDR, and we place the topic of MRV at the core of our development. We want to bring measurability and accountability to the field, leading the CDR ecosystem to the highest level of trust and integrity.

We have partnered with Gold Standard to establish the world’s first (and to date only) methodology for tech-based carbon removal. We rigorously report our impact every year – and have the CDR of each of our sites validated by a third party.

Learn more about how we measure, verify and report
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  • Durable means: the fraction of carbon dioxide stored through mineral carbonation that is retained after 1000 years is virtually certain to be 100%. The risk of reversal, i.e. that the carbon sequestered is released again into the atmosphere, is negligeable. Even if the concrete in which the CO₂ is injected gets demolished again and again, the CO₂ will not be released into the atmosphere.

    Neustark’s solution is highly permanent, binding CO₂ for thousands to millions of years.

  • Additionality means that the removals in emissions achieved by the project must be “above business as usual". That means they would not have happened unless the project was implemented.

  • A quality carbon credit means one ton of carbon dioxide has been reduced or removed from the atmosphere. It also means that this reduction or removal has been certified under an internationally recognized carbon standard – such as Gold Standard.

  • Our process does not interfere with natural ecosystems. It requires only a very small area as it is integrated into already existing industrial processes.

  • The central benefits of storing CO₂ in demolished concrete is that the CO₂ is irreversibly bound to the concrete granules via the mineralization process. The major advantage of this approach over natural carbon sinks (e.g., ocean, trees) is that the embodied carbon in concrete has no chance of returning into the atmosphere. In other words, carbon dioxide is permanently stored inside the concrete.