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Construction & demolition waste recyclers

Want to combine extra business yield with sustainability and innovation? Let’s explore a new promising market together.

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Neustark removes CO₂ from the atmosphere by storing CO₂ captured at biogas plants in mineral waste materials such as demolished concrete.

It’s a process that we’ve proven to be both commercially and ecologically viable – as the first player to do so worldwide. We have already launched 20+ storage sites and are scaling up quickly.

That’s where we need you.

Demolition concrete is our carbon ‘sink’. You have the demolition concrete – we have the technology to add on. Team up with us and turn the decarbonization of construction into an opportunity for your business.

We install our technology alongside your existing production process. Nothing is disrupted – it’s an add-on. And what’s more, it's a big value add-on for you: for your baseline, for your sustainability efforts, and for your future-proofing business model.

Storage sites at recycling plants

Construction material recyclers collect concrete and other waste materials and at their plants, they crush & sieve the material to prepare for further use.

And that’s where neustark comes into play: we inject CO₂ into the demolished concrete whilst these granules are being recycled. 

Our technology accelerates the mineralization process, turning CO₂ into limestone – and thus permanently binding it to the demolished concrete.


Alongside the existing process

This all happens alongside the recycler’s existing processes, not disrupting the plant's operations.

We build our technology on site at the recycling plant, connecting our tech with your existing operations (see below for solution types).

The granules injected with CO₂ can be used as per usual process, for example, to build streets or other infrastructure, or to produce fresh recycled concrete..

Concrete 05 warm

Result: added value for all!

It’s a win-win-win: recyclers profit from an additional revenue stream that also helps their sustainability action. 

Neustark can remove CO₂ from the atmosphere. Both businesses and the climate benefit.

Let's go on this pioneering journey, together.

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Customer testimonial

Neustark Eschenz B010 0134 small

Möckli Beton AG

Quick overview of the CO₂ storage facility in Eschenz, Switzerland:

• CO₂ storage record: 200 tons in the first 3 months after commissioning

• Annual potential: storage of 1,000 tons of CO₂

• Over 500,000 m³ of NovoCon concrete already produced

Neustark Möckli Eschenz

The plant at Möckli Beton AG is our first box-type storage plant in operation. The material box is a complimentary addition to our existing product range of silo, and row dosing systems.

3 Questions for Chris Möckli, Managing Director of Möckli Beton AG.

How did you manage to break the CO₂ storage record?

The answer is simple: we treat all recycled material (RC material) that goes through our treatment process. So, all the demolition waste that we process at our plant is filled into the material box, where the CO₂ is permanently bound. So, we are not surprised by the amount of CO₂ stored.

What is your initial conclusion about the collaboration with neustark?

With the integration of neustark‘s CO₂ storage process, we can produce NovoCon concrete even more sustainably and with the latest technology. It has also enabled us to achieve slight improvements in quality.

How do your customers react to this innovation?

We clearly feel that sustainable concrete is in demand. There is great interest among customers, both for the storage of CO₂ and for the more environmentally friendly RC concrete.

Why work with neustark?

Be a pioneer

Carbon removal is becoming a big industry, fast. You have the power to scale up the industry – and be one of the first to do so. We have the technology. Let’s lead the way, together.

Additional revenue stream

Partnering with neustark helps you to create a new business field and, in the mid-term, generate an additional income stream.

Make your business (even more) sustainable

Whether your employees, your investors, your clients, or regulators – all your stakeholder groups want to see companies implement tangible, sustainable action, now.

Impact today – and tomorrow

Unlike other carbon utilization or removal methods, neustark’s solution is ready, today. By joining forces, you can have a direct impact on your business right away.

Customer testimonial

Neustark Heim Berlin

HEIM Group

Quick overview of the CO₂ storage facility in Berlin, Germany:

• First commercial CO₂ storage facility in Germany
• Annual potential: storage of 1,000 tons of CO₂
• Innovative product: mineralized recycled aggregate (mRC-GK)

Doseur at HEIM Berlin DE

The HEIM Group and neustark have been collaborating for the past three years in Germany to drive decarbonization in the construction industry. What started with a pilot project, has led to operating the first commercial CO₂ storage facility in Germany.

3 Questions for Oliver Dürr, Head of Controlling at the HEIM Group.

How do you as a company benefit from working with neustark?

As a medium-sized company, this pioneering work has enabled us to gain important attention at industry level and attract potential customers.

What advantages does CO₂ storage offer your customers?

With our new mineralized recycled aggregate (mRC-GK) product, we offer our customers real added value. On the one hand, the use of RC concrete leads to sustainable, genuine recycling, and on the other, the mineralization improves the technical properties of the product.

How will the new business segment impact your company?

The collaboration with neustark gives us a clear competitive advantage. Many of our customers are following the socio-political trend and are increasingly sourcing mineralized products, which they place within their sustainable product portfolio.

Working together

So how does the process of working together look like?

  • ​We determine the ecological and commercial potential based on the specific framework for your business.
  • ​We validate the key assumption behind the calculated potential through a lab-scale concrete test series. ​If needed, we validate those tests at larger scale.
  • ​Together with you, we design and implement a mobile or stationary solution that ideally fits into your existing infrastructure and processes. 
  • We construct the plant at your site(s), and once ready, you take on ownership. You operate the plant, and neustark works with you to store many tons of CO2 over the years!


  • Neustark’s solution is based on the well-researched chemical process known as natural mineralization or carbonation. Our technology accelerates this process from over 1000 years to just a few hours while multiplying the average CO₂ uptake.

    For more information, see How our solution works.

  • We have adaptable business models as well as product types, according to your needs.

    In general, neustark constructs the storage technology at your plant. Once finished, the storage site belongs to you, the recycler. An initial, lump-sum investment to purchase the technology is needed. This investment is then counterbalanced by neustark paying you to utilize your storage site. Over the course of a few years, the initial investment is turned into profit for you.

  • We partner with biogas plant to filter out the CO₂ that is created during the plant’s production process. We then liquefy the captured CO₂ to then transport it to the nearby storage sites.

  • Today we store around 10 kg of CO₂ per ton of demolished concrete. ​We are of course continuously working on further optimizing this figure.

Want to know more?

Let's chat today about how we can partner up!

Luis Schaub

Luis Schaub

Sales Manager Storage Plants

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